Doug Gavel Communications was founded in 2018 with a mission of providing high-value communications services for academic institutions, small businesses, and non-profit organizations. I am a seasoned communications professional, with more than 18 years experience in higher education communications at Harvard University and 17 years in broadcast journalism. My services include media relations, media training, new website development, digital content creation and curation, internal communications, feature writing and editing, podcast production, and other editorial services. My goal is to help you and your organization develop effective powerful messages and deliver them to the audiences you need to reach.

Doug Gavel
Founder and Principal
As a freelance communications specialist, I work with you and your company or organization on building and enhancing your brand strength through strategic messaging development, media engagement and media training, internal and crisis communications, digital communications, social media, editorial production and curation, and other editorial services.
I also help small businesses and organizations enhance their digital presence through the development of new, highly-functional, user-friendly, mobile-maximized websites. Examples include Streamline Health Care Solutions; Wolf Hill Group; RicardoHausmann.com; Outermost Home; Phoebe's Faces; and the Provincetown Tennis Club.
As Director of Media Relations at Harvard Kennedy School, I managed the school's interactions with journalists from top-tier media outlets across the globe and worked with administration and faculty to amplify the impact of their research, programming, and events. Prior to my time at Harvard, I worked as a broadcast journalist with several commercial news/talk radio stations across the country, most recently at WBZ News Radio in Boston.
Through the provision of strategic planning and counsel and website support, I can help you better understand and engage your audiences, place positive stories in top media, and articulate your organization's value proposition.